Lafayette County WI Commercial Property for Sale
Lafayette County is located in Southwest Wisconsin between Monroe and Jamestown on the south western part of the state along the Illinois border. Lafayette is known for rolling terrain, historical sites, old mining camps, museums, streams, hiking, biking, fishing, hunting which also has Belmont Mound State Park, Yellowstone Lake State Park, Weir White Oaks State Natural Area, Yellow Lake, Pecatonica River plus a couple communities including; Darlington, Wiota and Lamont. It's surrounded by 3 other Counties; Grant, Iowa and Green. On this site you can search for Commercial Buildings, Businesses for Sale, Lease, Restaurants, Automotive, Churches, Hotels, Motels, Retail Space, Warehouses, Shopping Centers, Office Space, Bars & Grills, Manufacturing, School Buildings, Gas Station and more... located in this county listed by a real estate agents. Lafayette County, Wisconsin GIS MAP Information!
Businesses for Sale in Lafayette County Wisconsin
Real Estate | Home | Land | Condo | Commercial | Water | Log Home | Mobile | Farming | Land Contract | Foreclosure | Camping | ATVing | Snowmobiling
The section below is populated by, a Landman Realty LLC website that scrapes WIREX. WIREX consists of about 9 Wisconsin MLS systems covering the majority of the state. You can register with under “Advance Search” and recreate these types of Commercial / Business Searches and have the new properties in your search auto-emailed right to you. The commercial properties below are populated by setting specified parameters from the advanced search settings which are defined below. Some properties may show up more than once because they fit multiple commercial search parameters. If no properties are present, then check back often or register with to setup an auto email search so that you can be the first to know about new commercial properties in the area of your choice! - REGISTER
Commercial Properties for Sale in Lafayette County Wisconsin
Lafayette County Wisconsin Commercial Real Estate for Sale
Setup your search criteria with one or more of these Commercial Types / Features which are: Apartment Buildings, Auto Dealers, Auto Service, Barber Shops, Bars, Bed & Breakfasts, Beer & Liquor, Campgrounds, Churches, Commercial Condos, Commercial Land, Day Care, Franchise, Gas Stations, Grocery Stores, Health Clubs, Heavy Manufacturing, Hotels, Industrial, Light Manufacturing, Malls, Manufacturing, Mini Storage Units, Mixed Use, Motels, Nursing Homes, Offices, Office Buildings, Pet Shops, Recreation, Resorts, Restaurants, Retail Stores, Salons, Service Stations, Schools, Services, Shopping Centers, Special Purpose, Special Use, Supper Clubs, Taverns, Vacant Land, Warehouses and Wholesale Business.
Commercial & Business Features, Amenities, Types & Styles
- Apartment Buildings
- Auto Dealers
- Auto Service
- Barber Shops
- Bars
- Bed & Breakfasts
- Beer & Liquor
- Campgrounds
- Churches
- Commercial Condos
- Commercial Land
- Day Care
- Franchise
- Gas Stations
- Grocery Stores
- Health Clubs
- Heavy Manufacturing
- Hotels
- Industrial
- Light Manufacturing
- Malls
- Manufacturing
- Mini Storage Units
- Mixed Use
- Motels
- Nursing Homes
- Offices
- Office Buildings
- Pet Shops
- Recreation
- Resorts
- Restaurants
- Retail Stores
- Salons
- Service Stations
- Schools
- Services
- Shopping Centers
- Special Purpose
- Special Use
- Supper Clubs
- Taverns
- Vacant Land
- Warehouses
- Wholesale Business
Business for Sale in Lafayette County Wisconsin
Are you thinking of starting a small business by yourself as a sole proprietorship? Or with a friend forming a partnership to start that hair salon you’ve always talked about? Is a custom boutique, t-shirt shop or a retail storefront in your near future? Did you want to Lafayette County in East Central Wisconsin might have just the right commercial property for your future business! Commercial opportunities there include office buildings, garages, stores, shops, greenhouses, vacant commercial lots & land. There are even old churches for sale! This area could be great for doctors, dentists, chiropractors, therapeutic, optometrists, lawyers, accountants, real estate professionals, and more… to open up an office or even a home-based business! Maybe you're tired of putting in long hard hours for someone else and want to become your own boss. Maybe you just want to pick your own hours at your very own store. Can you see yourself owning your own grocery store, hardware store, craft shop, specialty store or tobacco shop? Maybe it's a gift shop, bait shop, 24 hour convenience store or a Liquor store you've been dreaming about. No matter the reason, no matter the type of business you desire, even if you just want to invest some money, Southern WI could be right for your new venture so, Buy a Wisconsin Commercial Property today!
Types of Business Professions:
Doctors, Dentists, Chiropractors, Naturopathic Medicine Practitioners, Orthopedics, Optometrists, Real Estate Professionals, Lawyer, Accountants, Nurses, Teachers, Agents, Farmers, Drivers, Pharmacists, Therapists, Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Consultants, Workers, Inspectors, Rangers, Analysts, Advisors, Financial Investment Consultants, Managers, Officers, Clerks, Guards, Insurance Agents and more…
Types of Businesses:
Sole Proprietorship, Partnerships, Corporations, LLC – Limited Liability Company, LLCs – Limited Liability Companies, PCs- Professional Corporations, General Partnerships, Limited Partnerships and LLPs – Limited Liability Partnerships
Types of Stores & Storefronts:
Grocery, Hardware, Craft, Specialty, Tobacco, Liquor & Beer, Gift, Convenient, 24 Hour, Bookstore, Supermarket, Bakery, Deli, Drugstore, Garden Center, Nursery, Boutique, Department, Chain, Box Store, Outlet Center, Warehouse, Wholesale, Retail and more..
Sellers Terms:
Assumable FHA (Federal Housing Administration), Assumable FVA, Assumable SVA, Auction, Exchange, Cash, Cash with Exchange, Land Contract (LINK), Lease Available, Lease Back, NO Exchange, Equity with Exchange, Paper with Exchange, REO, Real Estate Owned, Foreclosure (LINK), Seller May Assist and Short Sale.
Are you ready for the challenge of growing your Wisconsin Business? Or are you thinking of expanding or branching out into a franchise type model? Some ideas for this are a gym, coffee shop, eat-in deli, office supply/copy store, etc. Looking for an adventure? Growing not only the business but the trade, profession, even the physical commercial location might be more challenging than the decision that started it all. So you are wondering is now the time to “become your own boss”? Maybe you have the blueprints, experience, employees, capital / investors, ideas, bigger dreams but you need to implement your plans. Is it time to purchase, lease, rent, buy or mortgage a new physical location? Are you searching for the right commercial real estate for your expanding empire? Maybe it is a carpet sale & installation service, auto sales, small engine repair shop, rental center, or even a food coop. It's time to start looking for the right location to fill all your needs. Are you looking for a location to build your customer base, have a more convenient commute time, have the right number of loading docks or parking lot size? Or are you an easy distance from suppliers, distance to stores or warehouses? Southeastern Wisconsin has almost everything a growing business requires.
Area Cites, Towns & Villages
Argyle, WI. 53504
Argyle, WI. 53516
Benton, WI. 53803
Blanchard, WI. 53516
Darlington, WI. 53530
Darlington, WI. 53586
Elk Grove, WI. 53807
Fayette, WI. 53530
Gratiot, WI. 53541
Kendall, WI. 53510
Mineral Point, WI. 53565
New Diggings, WI. 53586
Shullsburg, WI. 53586
South Wayne, WI. 53587
Wayne, WI. 53587
Willow Springs, WI. 53530
Wiota, WI. 53587
Thinking about starting a seasonal business or expanding your year round business based in Southeast Wisconsin? On you can find a wide variety of physical locations for Retail Shops, Cafés, Salons, Real Estate Offices, Churches, Bank Buildings, Law Offices, Bakeries, Nightclubs, Food Production, Distribution Centers, Insurance Agencies, Builders, Contractors, Engineering, Engineers, Accounting, Accountants, CPAs, Dentist, Chiropractors, Storage, Printers, Computer Repair, Feed Mills, Convenience Stores, Laundromats, Florist, Consulting Firms, Plumbers, Electricians, Lawn Care, Landscaping, Auto Repair, Auto Body, Insurance, Rental Centers, Consulting, Craft Stores or just some basic office space for whatever. No matter what your next business venture has in store for you, Southern Wisconsin has you’ve been searching for!